Step 1. On the Adobe Connect Entrance Page make sure the correct Adobe Connect webcam is selected(Make sure the camera icon is green and the correct webcam is selected):

Step 3. Please be aware you can also change the background on your camera using the image icon next to the camera selected then you can select your preferred background:

Step 4. Click ‘Enter Room’

Step 5. You should now have entered the room with your camera showing under the 'Web Cam' pod

Step 5. If you did not setup your webcam on the start screen; or for some reason your webcam setup did not work. Please click the webcam arrow option at the top of your Adobe Connect application (If you do not see it, please ask your teacher to give you video rights):

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Step 6. Please click 'Edit video background (Beta)'  if you would like to change your video background:

Step 7. Please preview yourself before turning your webcam on for everyone to see:

Step 8. Once ready please click ‘Share’

Graphical user interface

Description automatically generated with medium confidence



Step 9. Your face should now appear under the webcam pod:

Issue/ProductDirections on how to connect your Webcam Adobe Connect Classroom
Version #1.0
Solution or Work-aroundSolution