Step 1. (If you have already installed the application please skip to step 9) On an iPhone navigate to the app store and on an android navigate to the Google Play store.

Step 2. Find the Canvas Student Application, it should like the following:


Google Play Store:

Step 3. Please download and install the application

Step 4. Please click in to the Canvas Student Application on your Phone.

Step 5. If you have not already logged in please click 'Find my School' 

Step 6. Then where the prompt says 'Find your school's name?'  type in 'Freedom Project Education'

Step 7. Please log in to the Canvas application using your Canvas credentials:

Step 8. Please click on the class you need to submit the video file for:

Step 9. Please find the assignment you need to submit

Step 10. Click 'Submit Assignment'

Step 11. Click '+ File' and find your scanned PDF file from Adobe Scan.

Step 12. Click the double tap the 'Browse' option at the bottom of your phone screen.

If needed click '< Browse' so that your screen looks like the following:

Step 13. You will have to give your Canvas Application permission to see your Adobe Scan items

Step 14. Tap the 'Adobe Scan' option or wherever your Assignment PDF or Photo is located

Step 15. Click 'Adobe Scan' or necessary folder

Step 16. Tap the necessary Adobe Scan item 

Step 17. Make sure 'Submission' screen looks correct then select 'Submit'

Issue/ProductHow To Install The Canvas Student Application and Submit Assignments
Version #N/A
Solution or Work-aroundSolution