How to add an email address

Step 1. Log in to your canvas account you want to add an email address.

Step 2. Fill in the email address and click "Register Email".

Step 3. Conform the email address(Steps to do so below) 

Step 4. Click the star next to the new email address to make it the default

Step 5. Click the trash can to delete the old address.

How to Confirm Email Address in Canvas

Step 1. Log in to account you want to update 

Step 2. Click Account -> Settings 

Step 3. Look on the right side under "Ways to Contact". If you see an '!' or the message below that means your email address hasn't been confirmed and you will not receive notifications at that address.

Step 4. When you clock on that email address a window will pop up .

Step 5. Click "Re-Send Confirmation

Step 6. Click the "OK Thanks" button

Step 7. Check your email for a conformation. If you don't see in, be sure to check your spam/junk folder.

Step 8. On the email, click the blue link "Click here to confirm this registration".

Step 9. You should now have a confirmed Canvas email to receive notifications on. 

You can also refer to the video below for instruction:


Confirming Email Address on Canvas

Version # 


Solution or Work-around 


You can also refer to the video below for instruction on Canvas Notifications and Email Address Confirmation: