Step 1. Open a Web Browser on your computer either Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Safari

Step 2. Copy and Paste in the address bar

The page looks like this:


A picture containing text, person, indoor, shelf

Description automatically generated


Log in using your Canvas username and password. (If you don’t know your username or password please email OR call FreedomProject at 920.749.3793) 

Step 3. If you are new to FreedomProject Academy, please review and agree to the “Acceptable Use Policy” before proceeding.

 Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

Step 4. On your Canvas homepage click “Dashboard

Step 5. Above the “Dashboard” tab you may see a course invitation. Select “Accept”.

Step 6. Now you should see your class(es) under the dashboard. (You can also click the “Courses” tab on the left side of the screen to see your classes.)

Step 7. Click on the course you wish to enter.

Step 8. You will now see your course with a menu that includes “Announcements”, “Live Class”, “Grades”, “Assignments” etc.

Step 9. To join a live class or watch recordings, you will need to do the following:

Click "Live Class

Click 'Join Class room'

Click 'Join on the web' 

You should now be in 'Class for Teams'

If you need technical assistance, please contact FreedomProject Academy at 920-749-3793 or email  If you need assistance with class-related questions, assignment help, or academic support, please contact your instructor via the Canvas messaging system.


Logging in to and Navigating Canvas 

Version # 


Solution or Workaround 
