If you are getting a error on your browser that looks like the following:

Please use the following directions. 

Step 1. In your Microsoft search bar please type in the word 'Family'

Step 2.  Please click the result labeled 'Family' App. When you open the result your screen look like following:

Step 3. Please choose the childs' name you would like to edit the settings for 

Step 4. Please click the option that says 'Content filters' 

Step 5. Once you open your childs accounts settings in content filters please scroll down until you see the following settings:

Step 6.  Under the 'Allowed sites' option please add the following websites in this article: https://fpeusa.freshdesk.com/a/solutions/articles/43000566694 

Keep in mind there is a option to 'Always allow educational websites' but this option will not include Blackbaud and Canvas so do not rely on it. 

Step 7. Please make sure you edit the settings in Microsoft Family Settings for both children so that they can get in to the correct sites for FreedomProject Academy. 


Microsoft Family Settings Set up

Version # 


Solution or Work-around 
